§ Small entrepreneurial firms are typically run by single owners who may lack financial expertise to evaluate investment proposals.
§ They may rely on their personal accountants, tax advisors, and bankers to provide key input in the capital budgeting process.
§ discounted cash flow techniques → NPV, IRR and payback are very popular
§ CAPM → the most popular asset pricing model
§ cross-border adjustments → rarely used
§ corporations tend to disregard firm-related unsystematic risks
§ The smallness of entrepreneurial firms creates unique problems in application of traditional capital budgeting principles.
§ Small firms are also prone to violent changes in profitability → when faced with economic downturns than large firms → which tend to be diversified as well as have access to financial resources
§ This 'small size' effect culminates in a higher discount rate when evaluating capital investment proposals
§ Stein (2002) → found that a decentralized approach to capital budgeting often found in smaller firms works best when information about a project is "soft" → cannot be credibly transmitted within the organization.
§ the analyst tends to agree with his boss' prior beliefs about acceptability or not of a project rather than come up with a totally objective analysis → This problem is particularly crucial in small, entrepreneurial firms where the chain of command between the decision making authority and the analyst is very small
§ state that the choice of a particular decision making process in a firm is a function of the agency problem, quality of information and project risk
§ larger firms are more likely to use the NPV method or the IRR method when evaluating foreign direct investments than smaller firms
The Investment Decision Process:
§ Total risk is more important than unsystematic risk in computation of a small business's cost of equity
§ Bailes at al. (1979) note that smaller firms are less likely to use any risk measurement techniques
§ Discounted cash flow techniques are the most preferred capital budgeting decision criteria used in the industry
§ Danielson & Scott (2005), small business owners are most likely to use relatively unsophisticated project evaluation tools due to their limited educational background, small staff sizes, and liquidity concerns.
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